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LLS New Therapy Model
After 5 years of running the Live Life Satisfied, I have finally put together a new therapy model. The theoretical aspect of the model draws on Evolutionary Psychology, and Evolutionary theory.
1) The model builds on the idea that there are 2 fundamental spheres in which psychological conflict must be tackled:
a) The internal (thought processes and patterns) and the external.
b) The external aspect of the model proposes that in relation to humans' emotional needs.
In relation to our external needs, it is proposed that 2 spheres are of great importance:
a) Our safety and security and the safety and security of our family.
b) Humans require the strong affection and esteem from those we are in close relationship to.
Click on the headings below to be taken to the following section (or click on the sub-headings on found on the panel at the top left of the screen):
1. Fundamental Principles Relating to Emotional Health
2. Why is the 'Need for Approval' so Important?
3. Natural Conflict Between Parents and Children
4. 2 Factors that have strong negative effect on a child's emotional health
5. Fundamental Principles of the LLS Therapy Model