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The following section contains some articles I wrote in the early days of setting up this website.  Much of their content is now superseded by the content concerning the different types of therapy for depression (see above) and I would encourage the reader to visit the 'Treatment for Depression' section of this website prior to reading the following articles.  However, there are some useful thoughts concerning the condition and for this reason I have left these pages available in case you wish to read more information concerning depression after having read about the various therapeutic approaches to the treatment of depression.  Click on the title below to be taken to the relevant page. 

  1. Rumination
  2. Social Support
  3. Stress & Personal Organisation
  4. Learning to solve disputes/arguments and problems with others by looking for practical ways forward for both parties.
  5. Self-Esteem
  6. Setting realistic life goals
  7. Positive re-framing
  8. Finding out what are our personal drives and learning to spend time fulfilling them.
  9. What determines our level of happienss?
  10. Finding the energy to do difficult tasks
  11. Making sure we enjoy our job/work