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The opposite of Ego-Control is Ego-Undercontrol (EU). The highly Ego-Undercontrolled individual demonstrates the following characteristics:-
- The EU individual has little self-control and tends to follow whatever desire she has even when her action may undermine her long-term goals.
- The EU individual tends to give lengthy and unfocussed explanations.
- The EU individual tends to be spontaneous.
- The EU individual tends to attempt to fulfil any personal desire immediately.
- The EU individual tends to be messy and disorderly.
- The EU individual tends to be quick to become enthusiastic about something, but also quick to lose interest in things.
- When the EU individual has to make a decision, she tends to make the decision far too complicated by including too many variables and possible options relating to the decision.
- The EU individual tends to be quick to make decisions, but also quick to change her mind.
- When the EU individual experiences emotions, these emotions are very visible to others.
- The EU individual tends not to follow expected customs and rules (including social customs) and often dislikes such customs.
- The EU individual's behaviour tends to be highly varied and she often behaves in an unpredictable manner.
- The EU individual tends not to be bothered by ambiguity or unclear answers.
- The EU individual has the ability act and respond in an unconventional way and this can enable her to be creative. Alternatively her behaviour may be seen as bizarre.
- The EU individual tends to live in the moment and may well not plan ahead.
- The EU individual tends to more readily show overt annoyance or aggression.
- The EU individual tends to have unrealistically high levels of personal aspiration.
- The EU individual tends to come across as empathetic and typically gets very involved in conversation.
- The EU individual tends to have a wide array of interests. However their interests may not last for long.
- The EU individual is happy to try out new and novel behaviours.
- The EU individual tends to be able to generate many, sometimes novel, solutions to problems.
How does Ego-Resiliency affect Ego-Control?
In order to fully understand Ego-Resiliency it is necessary to understand how Ego-Resiliency relates to Ego-Control. Click on the title 'How does Ego-Resiliency affect Ego-Control' below to find out more about how Ego-Resiliency affects Ego-Control. Alternatively, click on 'Ego-Resiliency menu' to be taken back to the menu for this section.
How does Ego-Resiliency affect Ego-Control?
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