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Ego-Resilient/ Ego-Brittle
The highly Ego-Resilient (ER) individual demonstrates the following traits:-
- In new or strange situations, the ER individual rises to the challenge of the situation with numerous strategies for engaging the unfamiliar surroundings. She will quickly adapts to new situations and often enjoys and relishes novelty and new surroundings.
- When a difficult situation arises in life, the ER individual will be able to think of more possible (sometimes novel) responses in order to combat the presented problem.
- If it seems appropriate, the ER individual is able to be more relaxed and ‘laid-back’ than she is used to being, or be more self-controlled and sensible than she is used to being. In otherwords, she is able to modify how ‘sensible’ and self-controlled she usually is if the situation requires it.
- The ER individual is able to forcefully alter her situation if required, but is also able to passively accept her situation when required. This means that at times she will demonstrate assertive behaviour but at other times will submit to authority or accept her immediate situation if it seems more appropriate to do so.
- The ER individual will be able to make reasonably quick yet appropriate decisions without getting overly worried and concerned that she might make a mistake or error.
- The ER individual is notable for her general enjoyment of and excitement about life.
The opposite of ego-resilience is ego-brittleness. The highly Ego-Brittle (EB) individual demonstrates the following characteristics:
- The EB individual struggles to adapt to and is troubled by new situations.
- The EB individual tends to spend a long time trying to complete tasks and make decisions and struggles to respond appropriately in the face of strange or novel situations or when under stress.
- The EB individual becomes overly anxious when she has to choose between or complete a number of tasks with limited time.
- The EB individual struggles more than others when attempting to recover from traumatic experiences.
- The EB individual has volatile emotions and is easily unsteadied by stresses and strains.
- However, the EB individual may sometimes be able to cope reasonably well in highly familiar un-stressful situations.
In order to understand Ego-Resiliency, it is important to understand the related trait, Ego-Control. Click on the word 'Ego-Control' below to find out more about Ego-Control. Alternatively, click on 'Ego-Resiliency menu' to be taken back to the menu for this section.
Click on the word 'References' above to see the references relating to this page.