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In order to understand Ego-Resiliency (ER), it is necessary to understand the 2nd trait outlined in the introduction to this section, Ego-Control (EC). This is because one of the most important aspects of Ego-Resiliency is seen in relation to how it affects the Ego-Control.
The highly Ego-Controlled individual demonstrates the following traits:-
- The EC individual has a tendency to be highly self-controlled and restrained, even when there is no need to be so restrained.
- The EC individual tends to hide her emotions; there is often little visible sign of underlying emotion and she typically will not act on her emotions either.
- The EC individual keeps her distance in relation to interpersonal relationships.
- The EC individual tends to be highly organised and usually plans ahead.
- Once the EC individual decides what she wishes to do she does not like altering her decision.
- When the EC individual tries to process information, she tends to be very ‘black and white’ and likes to box information into clearly defined categories.
- The EC individual often refuses to take on new ideas, rather attempting to process all information in line with previously set rigid ways of thinking.
- The EC individual can concentrate on mundane tasks for extensive periods of time.
- The EC individual struggles to make decisions.
- The EC individual tends to have a small range of interests and tends not to develop new interests easily.
- The EC individual tends to inhibit the expression of aggression.
- The EC individual tends to have unrealistically low personal levels of aspiration.
- The EC individual tends to lack spontaneity.
- The EC individual tends to generate a small number of possible responses to a problem.
The opposite of Ego-Control is Ego-Undercontrol. Click on the word 'Ego-Undercontrol' below to find out more about Ego-Undercontrol. Alternatively, click on 'Ego-Resiliency menu' to be taken back to the menu for this section.