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3 Reasons Why We Supress Our Desires
It has so far been proposed that anxiety and psychological disturbance is caused by over-supression of desires. In essence, if we continually deny ourselves from having what we desire, we become overloaded emotionally and anxiety and emotional disturbance are the results.
But why would we deny ourselves from having what we desire? A classic example is seen in the situation in which someone is dieting. This person probably very much desires all sorts of foods, but determines that she will deny herself food, in order to achieve a different goal, i.e. in order to lose weight. This effort will cause a certain amount of tension, and in fact this tension is a perfect example of the kind of tension that is caused when we deny ourselves things that we desire. This kind of tension might be called anxiety.
In a similar manner, significant anxiety and psychological disturbance is caused by certain factors whereby the individual suppresses desires, and there are common reasons for the suppression of desires. In this section of the website, we will investigate three typical reasons why people suppress their desires. These will come under the following three headings.
- Guilt (Click here to be taken to the relevant section)
- Anger
- Thinking realistically and fear of failure